- 35 lessons, 7 short stories
- Each topic has less than 5 minutes’ lesson so that children not easily get bored
- Short grammar introduction
- Colourful and interactive lessons and activities
- Stories in daily life
- Attractive animation and clear narration
- Cute and friendly characters
- Enrichment activities
- Bilingual activity books (English-Malay) with short notes
There are many ways that English can be taught to learners of the language. English language teachers often talk about methods like grammar-translation, audio-lingual, communicative, direct, language immersion, proprioceptive language learning, and a host of others. It is almost as though whatever method happens to be the flavour of the day is the one that teachers and books employ. This is certainly confusing to parents, whose primary concern is that their children learn English in the most effective way.
Indeed, to non-native speakers, learning English can be a daunting task. There are rules to learn, exceptions to remember, expressions to practise. Second language learners often make speech errors in English because of syntactical differences between English and the learners’ first language. In Easy English, our approach is to minimize the influence of the learners’ first language on their learning of English. English is presented in the context of everyday usage. Learners inductively discover the rules of English grammar, through practice in conversational structures, and without grammatical terms that often confuse them.
Learning is reinforced using the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Difficult ideas or concepts are introduced gradually and systematically, allowing learners to build their proficiency in a structured, stepwise manner.
Product Details:
What is in the package:
1) 7 VCD-Roms
2) 7 activity books (Paperback: 48 pages, Bilingual: English, Malay)
Age range: 3-6 years
Weight: 1 kg
Package size: 28.0cm x 20.5cm x 5.5cm
Book size: 19.0cm x 26.5cm
Free delivery within Peninsular Malaysia